Oolong Tea Ice Cream, Poached Peaches & Camembert Cheese Panna Cotta

by Hai_Cooking


  1. Creative_Candidate3

    It’s so beautiful how could one eat it ? 😍

  2. discordianofslack

    The Camembert pannacotta sounds wild. Looks amazing

  3. BadaBina

    How are you getting the panna cotta out of that beautiful mold? It is so perfect I am speechless. I can honestly say that I have never wanted to eat a dessert so badly before.

  4. Ronald_McDonald_l

    An artist and his food porn.

    This is the most beautiful picture I have seen in this sub.

  5. 420WhiskeyChef

    Your post history is filled with truly amazing art. You should be proud of yourself. This is not at all a one off, this is a chef with real talent.

  6. HashStash

    Please please tell me how you would plate ice cream that way. Very nice.

  7. completelytrustworth

    What did you use for the crumbly bits? Is it just ground up walnuts or more of a crumble topping with sugar/flour/spices?

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