Weber Spirit II E-310.

Bbq chicken thighs
Buffalo chicken drumsticks
Sliced pineapple

by grick26


  1. Mr_TP_Dingleberry

    Screw critiquing. Theres enough negativity. They look
    Awesome. Great job

  2. 🍗😋 those look yummy!! What temp did you cook to on those chicken parts?

  3. Thanks!!

    They didn’t last long once off the grill!

    I started the drumsticks at 400° for 20 mins using indirect heat. Then hit them with direct heat for another 10 mins.

    Thighs were 500° direct heat for 7 mins each side.

    All of the chicken transferred to indirect heat when I added the sauces.

  4. FuckThe2PartySystem_

    I’d prefer a little more color on there, but that’s just me. Everything else looks phenomenal! Grilled pineapple 🥵🔥

  5. OverlyWalrus

    Can someone try to explain a grilled pineapple to me, is this actually good? I’ve seen it several times here, overall looks delicious and would eat all the things

  6. 9ersrunthisshyt75

    Just a lil more color my guy. Do u use smoked paprika??? It adds flavor and smokey taste. And gives ur bird a darker/reddish color. Has a lil kick w it but not bad. Down here n Louisiana we like that flavor n our food. And the grilled pineapple….put a lil sweet…lil tangy bbq sauce. This is just strictly my preference….not a chef…lol. But I love to BBQ. Other then that….from what I see…..u def have potential. And w grilling/bbq…if u take pride n it….sky the limit. Wish u the best dude. Food for thought…u can always tell u know a lil sumthin when the food is gone….DROP THE MIC.

  7. tmpp1313

    Solid. It looks like food you see on a commercial.

  8. SnooMachines3834

    Looks good if you like more grill flavor try butterflying the drums

  9. Lonely-Truth-7088

    Make more next time, I coming over!

  10. Professional_Mud483

    My only critique is I wasn’t invited!

    Bon appetit

  11. Good job, looks tasty. Personally, I prefer my chicken to look like the top right one with char corners. The best thing about chicken thighs and drumsticks is that they are quite difficult to overcook compared to breasts. 

    Those grilled pineapples look spot on.

  12. Ricky_Spanish_666

    Damn! That 🍍 grill marks 😋 my wife loves when I grill pineapples. Good work keep grilling.

  13. kwagmire9764

    Grilled chicken and grilled pineapple are a great and underappreciated combination. Especially if you make tacos, add the pineapple to a spicy pico de gallo for some sweet heat salsa. 

  14. bankdank

    All depends on what youre looking for. But to me these are just ‘cooked’ and not grilled, yet! Just needs more time on the grill over the fire to crisp up that skin more. Bet these still tasted great tho

  15. LindaFlies777

    I’d only critique after eating that grilled pineapple on my BBQ chicken. I ❤️ it.

  16. Competitive-Rent6982

    Do a kill tamarind sauce with the pineapple! Or, if not sauce, a tamarind/pineapple tonic combo drink. That’d go down good!

  17. Looks good but chicken need more time/more char and pineapple looks like it needed marinated (brown sugar and olive oil)

    Keep at it!

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