12 quid with 2 refill drinks! Worth it?

by gizzard13


  1. That black pudding is looking under the weather to say the least.. But the rest looks half decent tbf.

  2. nuggynugs

    I mean, cheap coffee is still £2 out, so really you’re looking at £8. Not bad. That’s the definition of a decent spoons “not bad”. I’d definitely smash it. 

  3. uk6ftdude

    Too many odd numbers of things on that plate for my even pallet.

  4. Fit_Put_7921

    They go a bit mad with the hashbrowns in spoons threes a bit much.

  5. A little pricey, seeing as it’s ‘spoons. But all looks OK, the black pudding is done southern style:/ and the beans aren’t claggy enough for my tastes.


  6. TheLordCampbell

    Spoons food might actually be the worst food I’ve ever had the misfortune to experience, that’s not even including someone’s nans plate that it comes out on

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