(v2) cherry cheong espresso brownies, cherry vanilla smoked oak ice cream, meringue crumble, thyme, merlot cold brew cherry sauce

by a2cthrowaway314


  1. This sounds delicious!

    Plating wise,my preference would be to have one larger brownie as a focal point.

    The quenelle of ice cream could be sharper, and the blue rim on the plate is distracting.

    The textures look nice, it just seems too spread out. A (candied?) thyme sprig would actually make sense as a garnish too.

  2. SkepticITS

    I’m well impressed by the effort to plate a new version of this, but I think this is worse than the original.

    The blue rim is really hurting you here, it’s possible you’d get away with everything else if you used a plain, more rustic plate.

    It’s important to understand that high-end styling is much less forgiving than mid-range. An example here is the dots. They look really scruffy. Perfect dots might have looked better than a perfect drizzle, but a scruffy drizzle looks better than scruffy dots.

    Also, the lighting, exposure, and angle aren’t helping. It might sound ridiculous, but I think the bright whites are detracting from the dark tones in the dessert. Maybe someone with a strong background in food photography can say more.

  3. WolfCola4

    This sounds insanely delicious! I think as a home cook you can be really proud of this one OP. Hell I’d be happy to receive this in a restaurant.

  4. awesometown3000

    Bro stop making me work to taste the food ! Let me have a nice composed bite and not a scavenger hunt

  5. Maybe I’m dumb but the ice cream oak flavored, and is smoked using cherry and vanilla?

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