I made a peach cobbler cheesecake, so very good

by pegpeterson


  1. PorcelainPunisher1

    2 of my favorite things- cheesecake and peach cobbler! It looks delicious.

  2. paprikadream

    Hi, could you share the recipe, please? Thank you!

  3. EngineeringSuper5248

    Gorgeous!! I wish I could take a lil’ scoop. A lil’ scoop dawgy dawg.

  4. Feline3415

    Seems like a whole day activity to me. I’d want to try with mangoes, not a peach gal

  5. NyxPetalSpike

    Oh you don’t want that wretched thing! I’ll take it off your hands.

    God I want a piece so bad. Yum!

  6. CanyonPinnacle

    Uhhhhhhhhhh, may I take a slice then add three scoops of ice cream! 🤣🙏🏻😍 WOW! That looks scrumptious!!!

  7. Kerivkennedy

    Now this is a cheesecake I would get excited about

  8. TheLadyPatricia

    WoW…a double-decker cheesecake…I’ve never seen one before! I also don’t think I’ve ever eaten a cheesecake made with peaches! And the crust is nice and thick! Yummmmm! 😍👍👍😋👏👏👏

  9. frauleinsteve

    damn. I wanna dive face first into that…..

  10. theunfairness

    This content has been censored. Please mail the whole cake to me at the Department of Insulin Investigations and I will have it safely disposed according to all regulations.

  11. allergiesarebad

    I’m really upset right now because I want to be eating this cheesecake

  12. Mooshbloo

    *doom scrolling while on break
    *sees peach cobbler cheesecake on r/Baking
    *first words spoken in 30min were “Oh shit”

  13. Claudiascroggins

    I can’t believe I’ve never thought of combining a cheesecake with a pie. This is literally genius. Was it hard to do?

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