Bring-Your-Own-Steak. I haven’t grilled this many at once since leaving the restaurant industry. It felt good and I was able to cook everybody’s requested temps to their preferences at the same time.

by J3wb0cca


  1. forthescience123

    You made people being their own steak to your birthday and you got a better one than anyone else. We call it ‘cutre’

  2. IndependenceOk9231

    You cooked a ribeye for yourself? You didn’t need to invite people over to do that.

  3. Elowan66

    I get it. Can run up $1k in food for the grill quick now. I’d be happy to bring my own if you did restaurant grilling.

  4. Family-Faith-Freedom

    I’ve never heard of someone taking their own steak to a bbq for someone else’s bday. I know money is tight for most but I would’ve done some pulled pork and smoked chicken thighs. If anything people just bring their own beer.

  5. Euphoric_Search8063

    Raw meat potluck, actually sounds pretty fun

  6. LodestarSharp

    Wow tells what grade your friends be buying wow

  7. LodestarSharp

    Can I grill my own too?

    Because I’m gonna backseat drive your ass if I cannot

    Big time

  8. UnimpeachableTaint

    How the hell are they all going to know whose is whose? Name tags on toothpicks or something? Your steak stands out, but the rest will end up looking near identical lol

  9. WhatItD0Baby1

    How do keep track of which steak belongs to whom?

  10. CheeseburgerDlxBcn

    If I was invited for a bbq and I had to bring my own steak I would be staying home lol

  11. absyrtus

    is this bring your own steak a thing? has it always been?

  12. Ok_War_2817

    I’ve had some rip ya comments on here as replies to others, but honestly if everyone was onboard with this, then good on ya. Happy birthday and I hope yall had a wonderful evening.

  13. Rippin_Fat_Farts

    I didn’t know bring your own food to a BBQ was a thing.

  14. Lepke2011

    The one on the left tray all the way at the top. It’s small because you’re on a diet.

  15. dreamingtree1855

    Lotta cheap asses on Reddit but this takes the cake damn

  16. mAckAdAms4k

    I’ll assume OP is on a budget, and so is everyone who came since they’re having petite sirloin. My question is, who are these people that brought their own steak in a family pack of petites? Lol, I’m betting it’s mostly family. Makes it worse or not, kinda but maybe.

  17. Probably not the corn or sirloins. Awesome idea for a bday party!

  18. catdog-cat-dog

    My best friend once told me there is zero difference in taste between steak cuts. Same guy told me he could taste the difference between regular modern soda and soda with cane sugar in it….

  19. flipthatbitch_

    No disrepect but that doesnt look like people all brought their own steaks. They are all far to similar. If people really brought their own there would be much more variety. I think your bullshitting for effect.

  20. DeaconCage

    I’m gonna call bullshit on this one. You’re telling me everybody who brought their own steak brought sirloins and strips? Highly suspicious. If someone tells me to come to their birthday party and bring my own steak then I am bringing a motherfucking tomahawk.

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