In this video I show you how to make the very famous Pane di Altamura, a bread from Puglia. I will show you how the dough is made and how to bake the Pane di Altamura from South Italy.

Link for Breeding a Lievito Madre:

Ingredients for 2 breads

150g Lievito Madre (Last refresh not older as 2 days)
500g Semolina
350g cold Water
1g dry Yeast or 3g fresh Yeast
12g fine Sea Salt
Without LM 10g Salt, 2,5g dry Yeast or 7,5g fresh Yeast


Dissolve the LM in the water and add the Semolina. Mix everything for around 2-3 minutes and cover it. Let it rest for 30-60 minutes at room temperature.

Now add the yeast, mix it quickly and add then the salt. Now continue kneading for around 20 minutes until the window test works.

Cover a container with oil and add the dough into it. Let it rest for around 2 hours at RT and make all 30 minutes stretch and fold. The container needs to be airtight.

After this put the container with the dough into the fridge for around 12 hours.

Then take the container out of the fridge and let it raise at RT for 2 hours.
Put some flour onto your counter and put the dough onto it. Divide the dough into 2 pieces.
Fold the dough.
Add some flour over the dough and let it covered rest for 1 hour.
In the meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 250 degrees C both sited heat.
Produce some steam in the oven and launch the bread. Directly after launching reduce the temperature to 220 C. After 20 minutes release the steam and continue baking for additional 25 minutes until the bread has a nice golden color and is crispy.

My name is Juergen Einfalt.
I live in the wonderful Allgaeu and I’m a passionated Hobby-Pizza-Baker and Hobby-Baker. I’m happy to share this passions with you. I try to upload every week a new recipe around Pizza and Bread. I want to share theoretical knowledge as well.
I’m looking forward to see you on my channel.
Your Juergen

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