Keto Bowl – Eggs, Chicken, Cottage Cheese and Heavy Cream

by SpectralVoodoo


  1. HealthyRope1

    This looks and sounds delicious. This sub has lost its way.

  2. cylonlover

    You still have to watch your calories on a ketogenic diet. This is probably a day’s worth of energy, and not a single veggie. This could easily have had a buttload of spinach, or mushrooms or aspargus or cauliflower or green beans, or many other greens that would’ve fit right in, and it would turn into OMaD. I would definitely have added 10 oz of spinach. Or 20!

  3. Putrid-Effective-570

    Do you like your eggs well done? Did you leave your burner on high by accident? Those eggs are at risk of being stopped and frisked, OP.

  4. moderately_nuanced

    I thought the keto doet consisted of stuff our ancient ancestors ate. Did they have cottage cheese back then?

  5. Keto or leto or whatsoever. Don’t care.
    It is Awesome bowl that will keep me sleepless…
    I’m so hungry just by looking at it…
    Almost could smell it… Pipping hot… Have stroke…
    Will add spinach to my own if Gods of Asgard allow it 😛

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