First time cooking a steak for the lady.

by shootermagoobins


  1. mobfather

    Either this is steak and date night went well… or this steak is the date – meaning it went badly.

  2. greybeard33771

    Since it was date night, we should be the ones asking you that question.

  3. LeRosbif49

    I bet that wasn’t the only meat to get seared that night

  4. juliusseizure

    That is my perfectly done steak. Some might want it more rare.

  5. aschaeffer878

    That steak should get ya past second base at a minimum.

  6. Epicurean1973

    Smashing I hope you take this as a double entendre

  7. Icy-Jackfruit9789

    I would date you bro. I would date you so hard

  8. She should definitely be going for your meat next after this..

  9. Juke-Boxx-Zero

    Gimme piece, don’t make beg brotherman, gimme piece

  10. A2z_1013930

    Smashworthy. What sides/wine out of curiosity?

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