The steak dish is pretty simple but like how it turned out. Would have liked to show off the cook more but it was way over.

The ravioli plating felt pretty bleh, the sauce doesn’t look very appetizing, and it’s kinda messy.

by AccomplishedMud1218


  1. VagrancyHD

    I’m confused by the shrimp on the ravioli. It looks out of place for one and those flavours in my mind don’t work well together.

    That being said I think if you managed to figure out more complementary flavours it could make for a neat little appetizer. Keep trying.

  2. ColdestWintersChill

    Your components look too disconnected. Imagine if you did dots of the aioli and chimmichuri around the steak and did crispy shoestring fries on the top of the steak. You need a fresh veg component, consider a pickled onion and tomato salad on the bottom of the steak.

    The ravioli is confusing. The shrimp feels odd with it. Perhaps incorporate it it into the filling and do more of a sauce spread with the ravioli closer together.

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