Hi everyone! I made my first loaf yesterday, below is the recipe I used. I did use the recipe in this sub but I messed up the measurements slightly lol

  • 100g starter
  • 350g warm water


  • 500g white bread flour

Covered for 40 minutes

– 20g salt
– 50g water
(This is where I messed up, I was only doing half the recipe and accidentally added the full amount of salt and water instead of halfing it)

I did 4 rounds of stretch and folds 30 minutes apart

I transferred the dough to my counter and shaped, I forgot to laminate until after I had shaped it and didn’t want to mess with it too much. While shaping I did pull it too hard and ripped the top so I attempted to connect it back together. I definitely need to practice the shaping part.

I added white flour to my rising basket and let it rise for about 5 hours on the counter, my house was about 74 degrees and I was baking a chicken in the meantime.

I preheated my Dutch oven at 500, scored and added the dough and two ice cubes.

Baked at 450 for 20 minutes, then baked uncovered for an additional 20 minutes.

I only waited 30 minutes to cut because I was so excited and it definitely was a bit gummy when I did that so I will definitely not do that next time.

All in all even with the extra salt I added it has a great flavor, I would like it to be more fluffy next time.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

by bearpawsNwhiteclaws


  1. BrunoNFL

    BEAUTIFUL first loaf! I wish my first one turned out half as good as this one haha

  2. kweefersutherlnd

    Looks great for first loaf. Salt may inhibit growth activity slightly, but flavor wise I’m sure this bread is awesome. You are officially a bread baker! Congrats

  3. Miserable-Dot-6584

    Looks AMAZING. Where did you find the original recipe for this? I’m trying to get the courage to make my first loaf!

  4. Appr_Pro

    I’m hope my first is as good looking as yours. lol

    Seriously, great job.

  5. lostveggies

    looks pretty darn good if i do say so myself

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