Rate my meat

by rockefellercalgary


  1. Whythehellnot_wecan

    Looks great. I kept swiping just to see if the butter would melt.

  2. AgileAd2872

    I typically don’t eat it this rare but I would definitely try this. Trying to get away from the well done.

  3. Affectionate_Bass488

    Damn, how long? What temp? I tried that this weekend and messed it up, twice

  4. Star69Lord420

    That crust is perfect. What was the method?

  5. glassjaw2214

    That crust is insane. Nicely done. Not give us a rundown on how you prepared this.

  6. Wordtothinemommy

    I see a lot of not quite great sears on this sub. This aint one of them – you nailed it. It’s hard to get that perfect sear and still have it come out medium. Great job!

  7. SlimJim0877

    I’d definitely enjoy putting it my my mouth

  8. ColdYeosSoyMilk

    good cook but small portion for an adult, unless this was for a child

  9. mataksvejedno

    I’m not rating your meat never, ever

  10. Appropriate_Meat4896

    This is not a dating site.

    But anyhow… nice looking meat

  11. FuckThe2PartySystem_

    Wasn’t the kind of meat I was hoping to rate…

  12. Devilofchaos108070

    Love the crust, but I like mine a bit more bloody. Excellent job, either way

  13. egbert71

    I might be in the few, but i’m not a big crust guy on my steaks.

    Still it looks good if you like it that way. Eat Well

  14. EGorilla92

    Friend, really it depends. On your personal preference. That looks good to me.

  15. Limp-Appointment-564

    Looks absolutely fucking amazing.

  16. I’ve seen more edible meat get dragged out of electric chairs

  17. Lethal1211

    As miachel Jackson said it “beat it, beat it”

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