4 hours into a 5 hour Vacio cook

by sumtung


  1. Legio-V-Alaudae

    That is beautiful, you son of a bitch.

  2. TurkeyEaterTom

    Absolutely phenomenal setup, PS, pick your feet up off the ground when you walk man.

  3. Ubchillin1

    How does the pineapple come in to the meal?

  4. ElFanta83

    Hey you can do vacio in less than 5 hs. Still you have a beatiful grill and yard. Make it worthwhile the wait. Send pics of the result and have a vacipan (sliced vacio sandwich -ideally with chimichurri-) for me!

  5. kingbruhdude

    Do you live in the states?? I ask because I’ve never seen this cut here and I know it’s popular in Argentina. I’d love to get this cut here.

  6. BlizzfulBean

    I hope to have a set up like you when I grow up (I’m 27)

  7. BigWormBigPerm79

    Can you post more of your set up. I’m doing an outdoor bbq that I want to be almost identical and I’d like to see it all. Was it a kit or custom build?

  8. bovicesays45

    I have a nice Santa Maria / Argentinian grill set up with a brasero and all. But hot damn this built in SOB makes me jealous. Nice rig.

  9. Excellent, I am saving the video for when I build my own place. Congratulations on the phenomenal Vacio as well!

  10. ASovietSpy

    Noob here, what is this contraption I’m looking at?

  11. botflylarvae1

    This dudes my hero, fence building, grilling motorcycle maniac ❤️


    Yes dude: where is the grill from and where is the meat from!

  13. Grimm-Soul

    Damn you didn’t have to flex on us like that

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