She has 2 boys and no time but I still think the second one looks delicious.

by Foosiks


  1. alpacalypse-llama

    I feel this SO hard. But it still looks great and so delicious!

  2. TrainingFilm4296

    First one looks better, second one (likely) tastes better (in my opinion)

  3. CupcakesAreMiniCakes

    Wait they still have the time and energy to make tarts after having kids? They must be doing pretty good 😂

  4. No one is commenting on the fact the second one is all berries because toddlers eat SO MANY BERRIES.

    I thought this was a before after on variety of fruits used!

  5. WomanOfEld

    I have one child, he’s 5.

    My signature dessert, that I make for every party, is a berry trifle. Store-bought poundcake or angel food, homemade whipped cream, and sliced berries. All the hard work is in slicing the berries and all the cleanup is in the whipped cream, but everything else gets layered in a slapdash tower and never lasts longer than the next day.

  6. Massive_Length_400

    Toddlers are made up of like 90% berries

  7. 2sdaeAddams

    This is the most relatable shit I’ve seen on the internet today.

  8. kikazztknmz

    It’ll be back to the first one when they go off to college. My daughter moved out on her own a couple years ago and I’ve never cooked/baked/tried more new recipes in my life. That’s what I do with my extra free time now lol.

  9. Random__Bystander

    As someone who’s potentially lightly allergic to kiwi,  I approve of the transition

  10. Fragrant_Bumblebee50

    I can relate with the berries My kids love it too 🙂

  11. IcePrincess_Not_Sk8r

    I would eat the 2nd one before the 1st, sooooo… lol

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