It's a freestyle based off a bonappetit recipe (

by ButcherofBlavikenTA


  1. Fun-Faithlessness398

    Bolognese?!?!?!?? Where? It’s very far from the bolognese ragù (the name is of salsa but not this One)

  2. TheEscapedGoat

    I’ve never been into mixed pasta, but this looks good

  3. ButcherofBlavikenTA

    Now presenting, my non-bolognese mystery pasta dish lol.

  4. socratyes

    This sub is the perfect encapsulation of the ship of thesis paradox and it might be my favourite sub next to r/ididnthaveeggs.

  5. thebannedtoo

    You might want to triple the parsley and put a few broken spaghetti’s in there, Gordon.

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