How’s she looking? $4 steak, $1 pasta

by Easily_distractd


  1. DingleberriedAlive

    Sounds like a good deal on the steak but it’s customary to cook it first

  2. Accomplished_Radish8

    A tad less cooked than I’d prefer but I’d still smash this. Pasta looks good too

  3. Unhappywageslave

    Where im from, that looks like a 5 star meal for a 1 star price

  4. dirty_w_boy

    Where are you getting that much steak for $4??

  5. Shorlong

    Bone apple titty. Fuck me up fam. Other catch phrase. Looks good. I’m hungry.

  6. Baby-Soft-Elbows

    Smokin out the house and setting fire alarms off. This guy steaks! 👏

  7. Not_a-Robot_

    Isn’t the smoke a sign of using the wrong kind of oil for this temperature?

  8. Nooblakahn

    That’s a tad undercooked for me. Is still eat it though and would rather under then overcook. Nice looking sear too, considering.

    That doesn’t look at all like just 1/3 pound. Butcher must have stuck a match book in the scale

  9. TheBonusWings

    Wheres the grey band? Ive never seen no grey band /s for you that cant take a joke

  10. ChiefSquattingEagle

    For a 4 dollar steak, I’m cooking it longer out of precaution.

  11. JustDrew_92

    Sear so good MY smoke alarm is going off

  12. A bit blue for my liking but to each his own. Enjoy

  13. Dr_Bishop

    Pretty sure that’s $62 if you order it at the airport “steakhouse”.

  14. Electronic_Stop_9493

    Where or how do you get 1 dollar pasta

  15. CaseAvailable8920

    People be cooking like that indoors?

  16. irresponsibleshaft42

    Honestly thats a pretty good lookin steak, personally i woulda cooked it another minute, but id happily eat that if you served it to me, 7/10 for regular steak 11/10 for 4$ steak lol

    Edit: i realised how you cooked it now, score stays the same but i withdraw my “another minute” criticism. You cooked it perfectly for the WAY you were cooking it.

  17. noextrasensory40

    Extra rare, rare,rare well, well,well done …… dry crap after that depends on taste.

  18. how does it look? My good man, that looks like $5 well spent

  19. sleepingturtles

    Looks great! I can hear your smoke detector going off

  20. Routine-Ad-2840

    i’m guessing you also set the smoke alarm off every time you cook? you also prefer your steak the same way.

  21. Kraker58

    You clearly had a high heat on your pan, to begin with. 
    The trick is retaining the head to put a sear on the steak. You are using a wonderful material called cast iron, but your instrument is for crepes, not steaks..
     Your heat dissipated quickly, and with a thicker cast iron pan, you definitely can achieve the proper steak with your technique.
     Sear each side, and look for the blood to seap through the top of your steak. 
    That’s always a perfect medium rare. Gastronomy 101

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