And y’all were right 😂. This was not worth the money I paid for it, thank god it was cheaper than what I normally see it advertised as.

by HarkASquirrel


  1. Huge_Yam_9410

    Lol is that on the space needle too? So you paid hmmm $1200 for the bottle?😂

  2. dherndo2

    Wait til you eat the food at top of the world, cuz it’s also overrated

  3. barTRON3000

    It’s too sweet. If that’s your thing, then ok. But there are far better wines at even half the wine store price point, let alone the higher restaurant wine list prices.

  4. czr84480

    The meal with your wife made it worth it. Cheers.

  5. PoweredbyPinot

    Oof. $33?!

    Here’s the irony: I went to a Caymus event and they gave the half bottles as gifts. I got several. I gave one to my parents. They have no idea about the price of wine.

    I was with my mom at a wine shop and she saw how much the Caymus was and now she’s holding that gross half bottle for a “special occasion”. I told her not to. (She doesn’t even like most California wine) but there it sits. A $40 disappointment.

    Probably a bigger disappointment that her oldest daughter, me.

  6. Think-Culture-4740

    Ill post something sacrilegious around here. The minute I tasted Caymus, I understood and even appreciated it for what it is – they make the most appeasing intro wine you can find with enough gravitas that it screams more thoughtful than a 2 buck chuck. Its almost assuredly overpriced and lacking in complexity, but for the typical neophyte wine drinker who wants it served among fellow neophytes- it serves its purpose.

    I would quickly add as a foodie – not everyone appreciates good food. I know some people who have only experienced frozen versions of crab and lobster and find the gussied up versions of those dishes sublime. There’s no shame in that! You have to hunt through a sea of poor experiences before you realize there are so many better versions of Caymus out there. Why bother if you don’t care?

    That said, once I tasted the very freshest versions of lobster and shrimp, its hard to go back to the very best versions of frozen and compare them against fresh. Its night and day.

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