Yay or Nay? Not sure if this has been discussed before, but how about some cheap wood accents for dosing cups? Used some wood paper filter holders. Cheap from Aliexpress, twice the price on Amazon. Maybe works?
More bonus hacks: same wood paper holders works great for tampers and distribution tool. The gap up front makes easy cleaning. Also if you have a Muvna WDT, the bamboo lid from a $2.50 jar from Walmart works.

by No_Purchase931

1 Comment

  1. Have you had any issues with drift on the varia? I’ve been able to solve it on my gen 2 but it came back after cleaning. I still have stock burrs and the support is sending me new springs, burs and ball bearings. I’m not sure whether the varia was a good decision, hoping that your experiences are more positive!

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