They taste delicious and also like loss.

by Key_Significance_183


  1. SignificantCat_

    For a stress bake you went in! The bread looks like it’s a nice texture, just try not to eat it all at once lol. On the other hand I hope you feel better and maybe one day you can get another dog πŸ˜–

  2. hidinginanoaktree

    So sorry about your dog. Glad you could channel some of the hurting in these buns <3

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your pup. It’s never easy. Hope you’re able to find some solace in these rolls.

  4. chibidanyz

    Im really sorry for your dog. I hope the baking helped you to take some of the pain out. Wish you the best <3

  5. Share them with close friends and family. Food is another way we express ourselves and sadness is also a flavor. I am sorry for your loss, and wish you nothing but good memories and a loving future.

  6. Sea_Comparison7203

    I so sorry. They are like family, hard to say goodbye. I’m glad you have a nice distraction.

  7. YoursTastesBetter

    I’m so sorry. My elderly pup passed last week. I cooked and baked to keep myself distracted too.

  8. I’m in the same exact boat right now friend, compulsively making croissants because they take up so much time. Let me know if you need anything.

  9. NeuroSpicyBerry

    Those are some wonderful looking buns! Do you frost them?

    I also stress bake/cook/clean. Do you have a favorite you like to make?

  10. Currently going through the exact same thing. It’s tough, but the cinnamon buns look great. Maybe I’ll do the same

  11. freneticboarder


  12. DharmaBumming


    Also, r/depressionmeals

  13. EstablishmentOk2116

    I’m so sorry. We lost our elderly dog a couple years back and I still miss her every day. It’s so hard! Sending hugs and hope those lovely looking buns bring you a little comfort ❀️

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