Madarine, ginger ale and espresso

by Sufficient_Novel4334


  1. whynofocus_de

    I will never understand how people can mix orangen juice and coffee

  2. amoxichillin875

    Sounds great!
    Personally I like Vanilla, Coke, and Espresso.

  3. Pleasant_Chipmunk_15

    Ginger espresso tonic with some orange is the best!

  4. coffeejn

    Just don’t add milk to this. Milk and orange juice is not good.

  5. adaypastdead

    The best way to make an iced beverage when pulling into cold or room temperature liquid is to ice it after the espresso has been added. Drink theory is that pulling directly over ice waters down the espresso. This is the case here. In, say, an iced latte, you could pour a shot into the ice and milk, but when the cold ingredients are below the ice line one should avoid doing such.

  6. Masske20

    My machine would start leaking water before making an extraction that concentrated. 😞 Don’t got money to fix it either. Best I could was give it a deep clean using cleaning tablets, vinegar, and removing the top screen to try and clean it out.

  7. jorgejdejesus

    Skip on the ginger and keep it at Gin and tonic. After a couple of those then comes a cortado. After, not together.

  8. calinet6

    Looks absolutely fantastic and refreshing.

    Don’t knock it til you try it folks.

  9. Lucbac06

    I did something similar to this last weekend, freshly squeezed orange and lime juice, some homemade ginger syrup, cold brew and milk. I then clarified the drink through my french press (to get rid of all the fats and bits in the milk that doesn’t pair with citrus) and finally dripped through a filter to clear out even more. Served on the rocks with a dried candied lime peel for the nose

    I used two oranges, one lime (would work great with two limes, I just bought one tho) about 150ml milk, 250ml cold brew, and about 40-60g syrup, didn’t measure it exactly sadly as I needed to add more for a good balance when I’d already tasted the drink

    Syrup: 2:1 simple syrup, 200g sugar, 100g water and 80g fresh, coarsely chopped ginger, perfect to later use for candied ginger for the morning yoghurt or anything else you wanna spice up

    This gets you a sweet, distinct, orange and ginger flavour, with a touch of lime and the coffee is well rounded into all this with the milk. (If you can call it that at this point) Bloody delicious!

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