Powdery mildew on tomatillos – fruits still edible?
Powdery mildew on tomatillos – fruits still edible?
by lohdunlaulamalla
If I’d known that tomatillos can get mildew, I wouldn’t have grown them for the first time this year. I have a large balcony and I’ve learned that there’s no point fighting the disease, because the spores are everywhere in the neighborhood this time of the year.
I just removed the most effected stems and I’m wondering, if the larger fruit can still be harvested and eaten, even though the husks look a bit weird.
They should be safe to eat
>Since powdery mildew primarily affects plant foliage, fruit and vegetables from afflicted plants are still safe to eat, but refrain from consuming any leaves. Bear in mind that fruit will likely be of much lower quality, especially if it was sunburned due to fewer healthy leaves.
If I’d known that tomatillos can get mildew, I wouldn’t have grown them for the first time this year. I have a large balcony and I’ve learned that there’s no point fighting the disease, because the spores are everywhere in the neighborhood this time of the year.
I just removed the most effected stems and I’m wondering, if the larger fruit can still be harvested and eaten, even though the husks look a bit weird.
They should be safe to eat
>Since powdery mildew primarily affects plant foliage, fruit and vegetables from afflicted plants are still safe to eat, but refrain from consuming any leaves. Bear in mind that fruit will likely be of much lower quality, especially if it was sunburned due to fewer healthy leaves.
the sunburn part probably doesn’t apply since tomatillos are encased by a husk.