Rookie question but bought grounds and the barista wrote 17.5g/32g. Is that 17.5g grind and 32g espresso shot? Would that be a double?

by philod1984


  1. OuweMickey

    Yes, and yes. 

    Although depending on who you ask. 

    7g is mostly seen as a classic Italian single espresso

  2. big-boss-bass

    17.5 in, 32 out. Didn’t write the time though. Just a guideline. Experiment and see what you enjoy.

  3. brianlucid

    That’s the recipe that the cafe uses for these beans as a starting point for you. Don’t feel locked to it, but its nice of the barista to tell you where they find the best flavour on their equipment.

  4. DaCrimsonKid

    Probably an in and out ratio. 17.5g coffee, 32g liquid yield. Though barista doesn’t know your basket size, so I’d just take it as a 1:2ish ratio. My current coffee is 20g in and 45g out, so about the same.

  5. philod1984

    Even for a double espresso? My out was usually 60g

  6. Bad_Droid

    Look how they massacred my boy.

    The best and most consistent cherry* flavour I’ve ever had died for that blueberry/pineapple/vanilla.

    Still gonna have to pick some up and try though 😛

    *Morello, kirsch, and dark chocolate was the profile.

  7. dankbasement1992

    Would still experiment a little but that’s awesome they provided that. Enjoy!

  8. fracturedtoe

    17.5G coffee in the portafilter to 32g in the cup. 1:1.8 ratio. Almost a doppio.

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