My pizza peel is only so big, which has limited me to making pizzas in the 10" to 11" range. I've seen many people here using pizza screens so I decided maybe that would be a good way to make a bigger pizza. Up to about 14", which is the biggest I could do withy pizza stone

After a few attempts, here is the first one where I was happy enough to share.

by jsmeeker


  1. twinklesnowtime

    thanks for sharing! more power on your baking skills!

  2. WAR_T0RN1226

    Do you find that the screen helps in that evenness underneath? I do mine straight on the steel and it ends up spotted underneath instead of uniform

  3. Frankeyc

    Thought about taking it off screen mid bake? Give it a hair more “crisp”. 😉 looks great though!!

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