Linea Mini r, P64 with SSP HU burrs and a Niche Zero. Feeling pretty happy with the setup.

by cleenBunz1


  1. TheophilusEV

    Wonderful setup! The Linea Mini R is especially stunning in black and steel. I hope it gives you many years of caffeinated joy.

  2. coffeejn

    I hope the 2 grinders is not to grind the coffee twice!

    Looking good.

  3. AmbientCowboy

    you damn college students with your fancy doohickeys

  4. gtg465x2

    How do SSP HU compare to Niche Zero? I’m surprised you didn’t go 64OM or SSP MP for the P64 since the Niche already covers the more body, less clarity end of the spectrum.

    Linea in black looks incredible.

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