Christmas sprinkle edition because it was all I had. Second attempt at royal icing. they are delicious

by whtdaheo


  1. East-Region-1398

    Why the last time? They look great!

  2. Honest-Opinion-5771

    I bet so time consuming but they look yummy and adorable !

  3. OdeToMelancholy

    They’re so lovely. I’d be so sad after all of that work because they’d be gone in my house in under 5 minutes.

  4. Tanyaschmidt

    Yep. That is why I don’t make small cookies. Detail and time!

  5. seashell016

    Did you dip the cookies in royal icing or pipe them on? I love them- they’re so cute!

  6. bloodredyouth

    These are so festive and inviting!

  7. atreyu947

    These are so cute! I only have teddy bear cookie cutter but I might need to give this a try!

  8. Dangerous-Savings259

    Why the last time? What’s wrong with them? May I have the recipe please?

  9. PunnyBaker

    Ive never had frosted animal crackers. Im pretty sure they dont even exist here in canada, just the plain ones. Been meaning to try these out

  10. cupidcucumber

    Was it super time consuming? I like time consuming recipes sometimes lol. If they have the same flavor and snap, I’m in!

  11. Omg if you packed this with like a little bit of frosting and sprinkles it’d be fun to buy and decorate them yourself, I think I saw someone on this sub do that before (it’d be a huge hassle but I bet it’d sell in a fair)

    They’re super cute!!

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