(Reposted with more pictures)

Large chunks are coming off of pieces of my grill after a grease fire. Kind of looking like it’s gonna fall apart. I’m not sure if I should be looking to replace these parts? It’s not just the grates that are rusted.

Wife used it last week and said there was a grease fire exactly in the spots that are rusted. She said it was a really bad fire, went on for minutes after turning off the gas.
I’ve looked around this subReddit and seeing a lot of advice about cleaning/scraping it off the grates but what about the internal pieces?

by blahoox


  1. jkwarch-moose

    Does it light?

    No, Can it be rebuilt?

    No, it’s trash

    Yes, fire it up, scrape the rust off the grates. and cook

  2. Helpful_Fix2589

    Fire it up on high and let it burn for about 20 minutes and then let it cool off and as it’s cooling off re-season it and put oil on it. It’ll be fine

  3. Mr_TP_Dingleberry

    I say it’s toast. Buy a used Weber.

  4. singluon

    If that’s a Weber you can replace all the internals and grates with stainless steel parts from Amazon. Clean it out and it will be good as new.

    If that’s not a Weber, trash it and go buy a Weber.

  5. Lonely-Truth-7088

    Most inner parts can be replaced from Amazon as long as you have an idea what grill it is. They won’t be top notch but will get you grilling again

  6. CraigLePaige2

    For the price of a new crappy grill you can get a good quality used Weber on the local marketplace 

  7. Joey_BagaDonuts57

    I’ve seen worse, but it’s time for a Weber Genesis in its place.

  8. user8161

    Clean it up and use it. If it won’t clean, replace the part. Most of those parts are replaceable.

  9. New-Interest6969

    Wire brush the rust off both sides then season the grates like a cast iron pan. It will last years and be non stick.

  10. Bitter-Fish-5249

    I’ve replaced mine with Amazon. Measure it to make sure. There are plenty of aftermarket replacement parts. Including the sheet metal it’s made of.

  11. ruthless_burger

    The burner has cracks. So even if if you clean and re-season the whole thing, you’ll need to replace the burner.

    Eventually it’s probably easier to get a new one.

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