Sister is forcing me to diet.

by diamondrene


  1. Megaminisima

    With every day you’ll notice your tastebuds and cravings changing. You have a good Sister 🙂

  2. ImIcarus

    This looks great. Be thankful for your sister.

  3. vaoks00

    Looks tasty AF! bread is usually the killer of diets 🥲 my kryptonite! Good luck

  4. Impossiblegangsta

    That’s not even diet food but at least it’s a start. Your sister probably cares about you so just give it a shot 🙂

  5. punk-pastel

    You just need something fun to dip the veggies in, like a dressing or hummus. The more veggies, the better!

  6. 123abdce

    As someone who is going through a very scary health issue right now- your sister loves you and wants you to be here for a long time and healthy! I promise this is a good thing.

  7. thisisit2142

    This is healthy for sure but there’s ways to turn healthy into yummy. For example I hate eating vegetables on their own, but I love me a nice salad with a bunch of chicken or beef or turkey or whatever meat you like. There’s always a tasty twist to eating healthy, just gotta find it

  8. LittlePinkDolly

    That looks delicious. I started losing weight when I realized I could find ways to make veggies yummy. And I felt so much better and healthier and more energetic. I’m shorter so extra weight is hard for me to carry around. And feels awful.

    I marinate bell peppers and asparagus in zip lock bags for a bit in the fridge. I toss In olive oil, squeezed lemon juice, some fresh dill, garlic and parmesan. Then seal the bags and massage the ingredients around and toss in fridge. Then I grill them either on bbq or on my counter top electric grill…..DELICIOUS!!! One of many recipes healthy yummy and aides in weight-loss! Started doing spiral zucchini instead of pasta, with pasta sauce and parmesan….

  9. ttrockwood

    A cheese sandwich is a diet?

    Add some seasoning to the raw veg, or hummus or something like i love veggies but they will be better with lemon pepper or tajin

  10. microwaved__soap

    I wish my family would force ME to eat rainbow carrots

  11. Stonerchansenpai

    you should force a diet on someone but since it’s your sister you’d probably just tell her no if you didn’t really want to right? hope this is a good thing for you op

  12. queen_of_potato

    You have someone who makes you food? Jealous!

  13. Unusual_Wolf5824

    Good for her… if she’s “forcing” you, it’s because she wants you to be around for a while.

    Sisters are amazing

  14. AnxiousCroc

    Weird question, but is the bread called rustik bakery? I love that bread!

    Hope you enjoyed 🙂

  15. Bullulum

    If you don’t like raw veggies, next time you can try seasoning and roasting or frying the veggies in just a tablespoon of a healthy oil like olive oil— won’t add as many calories as you think, research it 🙂 Add some diced onions or garlic to that— yummmm

  16. scarylesbian666

    Your sister should not force you to diet or even pressure you. This looks awesome as just food! I hope the title was a joke op

  17. Ok-Opposite3066

    I’d love to be on your diet. Looks delicious.

  18. MajesticGarbagex

    Huh? Forcing someone to “diet” isn’t loving or okay.

    If you want to choose healthier alternatives then that’s cool. If not, it’s okay too.

  19. kapar24

    Starting doing HODMAP diet and love it! No more bloating feeling good!

  20. bashinforcash

    grilled cheese might not be the best thing to diet on. certainly not the worst though

  21. SrgntFuzzyBoots

    My dude/dudette/nonette, this is a perfectly healthy sized meal. In fact if anything is a pretty liberal diet as far as size. The carrots may be boring but it’s sooooo easy to replace it with a cucumber salad or kolrhabi with a light sprinkle of salt or whatever your favourite veggie may be. Diet doesn’t mean bad food, it just means ya gotta learn how to cook healthier options in a tastier way. I would look into cucumber salads if I were you as it’s a cheap great healthy way to up veggie intake while still being a semi filling when you eat a whole English long cuke and it takes like heaven. Weight loss is hard and on of the biggest changes for me was eating an appropriate amount, it was also the hardest part. You get used to consuming what you consume and your stomach acts like a balloon allowing you to eat more, the more you usually eat. I stopped eating two sandwiches with my lunch and lost 10lbs in a month, I just started buffing up my veggies and finding raw veg options I enjoyed and after a while it felt like enough. It’s hard at first but seriously worth it.

  22. DangerousMango6

    My tired ass was trying to figure out how the plate was floating…

  23. ArmadilloDays

    Could you make her force me, too? That looks awesome!

  24. Historical_Emu_3032

    This seems a lot like not dieting.

  25. Schnitzelkraut

    Add a dip. Purred dried tomatoes+ cottage cheese+ seasoning

  26. TieDyeRehabHoodie

    Damn OP’s probably still chewing

  27. Pure-Fun4128

    At least she is cooking something for you! Be thankful!

  28. RobertXavierIV

    How to diet the wrong way. Unless you really love raw veggies (not me) this is a really bad way to force yourself to eat them. Eating should never feel like a chore or punishment. There are so many delicious vegetarian meals you can make with a wide variety of vegetables that won’t make you feel sad while eating them.

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