Clearance tomahawk to celebrate 1 month sober after a bad relapse. you never fail if you keep trying

by GlitteringYams


  1. Beaglescout15

    Great steak and an even greater reason to celebrate. You can do it! One day at a time.

  2. youdidittoyouagain

    Hey man! I got 10 months. Isn’t great that we can now afford an expensive steak?!

  3. MammothBulky3548

    a plastic fork? really? also clean your room. and good job.

  4. Separate-Abrocoma-31

    Hell yeah. The high you get from cooking a steak that perfectly is much better than any drug

  5. ExpensiveSteak

    That is a very sexy steak congrats 

  6. Neilix190

    Currently on day 5 of my journey stay strong! Also epic looking steak!

  7. Eastern_Marzipan_158

    I bet the plastic spoon made it taste bette too

  8. SkrotusErotus69

    That’s right brother, let the steak be your drug. It’s all you need, you got this 💪🏼

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