Check your local Sam’s club

by jtrinaldi


  1. Marcus2Ts

    I took one look and thought it was match-light, I’ve never seen “high heat” is that basically the same as Kingsford Professional?

  2. xxLOPEZxx

    I have to know what great science makes these special to produce higher heat. I’ve never had an issue getting Kingsford original ripping hot. Sounds like marketing to me. Besides, if you’re cooking at high heat and concerned about searing then just skip briqs and get lump

  3. ItsSlippinJimmyyy

    Heck ya, thanks man.

    Edit* oops did I just assume your gender? Lmao

  4. WhirlwindDragon

    I picked some up some last week… Good deal. I only used it once so far, but… it worked. I noticed higher, sustained temps.

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