I cook a lot of steaks and usually let them rest about 10 minutes before cutting in. Lately I've been cutting into it after 3-5 minutes and honestly I prefer it. The steak is warmer and yes more juice falls out but you can just dip your bites in it. I think maybe the need to rest is a little exaggerated.

by chillin10319


  1. Boring-Set-3234

    Agreed. I used to go 7-10 minutes, but now rest them 4-5 minutes before cutting. The steaks are warmer as well this way.

  2. ThePracticalPenquin

    It’s a battle for me. I don’t like the steak cooling but know it needs to rest. I slightly warm the plate before steak goes on and put a paper plate over the top while it sits. Helps a lot to keep temp up.

  3. GearheadF1_

    My hungry ass couldn’t care less about how you rest your steak right now, so I’ll just talk about the steak itself.
    That’s a damn fine steak, dude! That sear looks phenomenal, and the doneness is perfect, while having practically zero grey banding.

  4. mrdeadhead91

    With reverse sear or sous vide, you don’t actually really need to rest the steak. You can give that a try if you want!

  5. First: I know it’s mandatory.

    Second: I don’t remember a case when I cut it later then 5-7 minutes after it’s cooked

  6. lordpunt

    Leave your oven open to let all heat out. Put oven to 60c. Always rest on a rack back inside 60c oven. You can rest it for like a long time like that. Smash it back on a hot pan for a final sear. Thank me later.

  7. gokartmozart89

    I hate cold steak, so I’m guilty of the 3-5 minute rest. I should probably cover the plate with something and just let it rest properly while I sautee some green beans or asparagus. 

  8. nathansanes

    I like my steak right out the pan. 1 or 2 minutes at most for me.

  9. Spymonkey13

    I thought 3-5 minutes is the standard. Who told you to let it rest for 10 minutes? Steak will be cold by then.

  10. obi-1-jacoby

    I think resting is absolutely necessary and definitely improves the steak. However, I agree that it doesn’t need to be a full 10 minutes. I usually do 5 and it does the trick

  11. StormOfFatRichards

    Someone already cited Chris Young but I’m doubling down. Resting helps get your steak to a uniform temp after a high-heat sear, good enough for JKF method. Unnecessary for sous vide or reverse sear. Scientific trial shows it does not improve juice retention, but it does allow for equalization of inner temp. If you fear your interior is going over temp, hurry up and cut in.

  12. moogiemomm

    I think resting a steak or prime rib roast is beneficial prior to cutting or slicing. Your steak 🥩 looks amazing btw.

  13. Kippenoma

    I rest like 3-5 minutes top. Letting it rest too long can get it kinda cold. Totally agreed on the juice thing btw, it’s sorta what I make my steaks ‘around’ – a strong sear at first, then lower the heat, add a bunch of butter, rosemary, garlic and let it sit until the right internal temperature. Then some more chopped rosemary and garlic on the cutting board, let it rest for a minute or two, then slice, drag around the spices and pour the butter over it, rest for another minute or two with some foil on it and eat.

    With a baguette on the side to scoop up all of the juice & butter. It’s a really, really guilty pleasure. But oh so good.

  14. PrincipleSuperb2884

    I’ll give it a couple of minutes, but a cold steak is less appealing to me. Not that I wouldn’t eat it, I just prefer it hot.

  15. Jazzlike-Injury3214

    I like it hot…it can rest in my stomach…looks great!

  16. Fried_Wontton

    I don’t think it’s necessary but I still do it so I don’t have a lake of juices on my counter lol

  17. SacredDemocracyLover

    I can’t wait 10 minutes and I think resting it is a psyop

  18. inverted_electron

    Resting is good bc the steak is still cooking after you take it off the grill. Leave a thermometer in there and notice that the temp keeps rising for 5-10 minutes and then will even out.

  19. HurtMePlenty84

    Looks good to me. I always rest 5 min it allows the juices to settle so when you cut into the steak they don’t all run out. It keeps the meat moist and flavorful.

  20. _Diggus_Bickus_

    If juice is falling out when you cut it, the mouthfeel when you chew will be plenty juicy. Plus warmer fats are liquidy. I’m a big fan of shorter rest times *if the meal is ready to go*. If not rest while you finish sides is legit.

    My only real rule is don’t cut it until your ready to bite it, or a ton of time has passed.

    People’s obsession with the juice they can see is weird to me

  21. Panniculus101

    I like my food warm , so I only rest max 5 minutes

  22. NoZebra7296

    I try to give it 5 minutes, but I am not all that patient, and I have the challenge of a nicely cooked steak in front of me.

  23. hedonistatheist

    5 mins is about right – more less the time I need to liberate all the side dishes from the oven and other places and prepare the plates for the steaks.

  24. grip_n_Ripper

    Rearing steak face: the expression you get when you are starving, but there is still 7 minutes to go.

  25. AUSpartan37

    I think a lot of people overthink it. A lot of times, I think the trade-off isn’t worth it. I would rather eat a hot steak than a warm steak. 3 to 4 minutes is about all I do, which is usually the amount of time it takes to get the sides finished up and get everybody to the table.

    That being said, I do think if you are reverse searing the steak, you should rest it between the cook and the sear. I get way less gray band doing it that way.

  26. Bcart143

    The time to wrap them up and get my sides ready. So maybe 3 or 4 min

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