California’s wine industry struggling as consumption is down

by theprezjr61


  1. No_Eggplant6269

    And a lot of California wine is way overpriced

  2. Fit_West_3769

    Here in europe, american wine is among the rarest. And one of the main reasons is the price.

  3. SurrealDali1985

    Shareholders and wine do not mix period!!!!

  4. AxelFoley69twice

    With this economy: “Costco’s wine sales succeeding as consumption is up on affordable wine”

  5. WanderingWino

    Oregon is in the same boat. My bottles average $27 and we’re struggling super hard. Have no investors, no company debt, and can’t pay myself. Thinking of closing the winery after ten years of running it.

  6. DirtierGibson

    I mean U.S. wineries have been told for a few years already that the trend for less alcohol with younger consumers is very much real.

    They have known for a long time than younger consumers don’t have their parents or grandparents’ disposable income. They are battling student loan debt, trying to save for a house downpayment they might never be able to afford, so wine is not a priority, especially California wine which has poor QPR compared to most imported wine.

    They have known for years there are way too many labels producing the same exact fucking wine out of Napa using the same custom crush facilities with the same consulting winemakers at the same fucking price, which these days is about $90 for a bottle of Cab. Which is ridiculous, because none of those wines are worth that much.

    They have known for two years there is a glut of red wine in particular in California, and that like last year, fruit will be hanging from the vines this year as well, because there is no point in harvesting it, because the tanks are full from last year’s wine already and no one is buying it at prices that make sense.

    We’ve got a little crash coming. There’s going to be a lot more good deals at Costco and Trader Joe’s with heavily discounted California wine that’s still going to have to compete with French, Italian, Spanish or Argentinian wines offering better QPR. Meanwhile some custom crush facilities that have seen it coming are turning into distilleries.

  7. Overpriced, most of it produced for volume and not quality, refusal to evolve and adapt to modern taste profiles, I wonder what could be going wrong…

  8. tnick771

    2021 Cab is supposed to be insane though

  9. > Our growers continue to rise and meet the social, economic, and environmental standards that are set for them, but those same policies and standards are making us uncompetitive on a global scale

    Just because the rest of the world has shitty regulations doesn’t mean you need to stoop down to their level to make a buck. If it isn’t working for you, get out of the business. Us Californians have put a lot of effort into trying to clean up our state and bring up baseline standards for workers (be it min wage, safety standards, paid parent leave, whatever)

  10. garbadgetruck

    The majority of Cali wine isn’t good. Bulk table wine and like 85 percent in the 8-15 dollar range. (My guess but could be more) I feel the market is over saturated with over priced and underperforming wines.

  11. Sufficient_Ad_1229

    My husband and I have been visiting Napa and drinking lots of Cali reds since the late ‘90’s. I don’t know if our palates have changed or if the wine has changed, but with the exception of a few premium labels they all taste too sweet, over-oaked, and overly extracted to me now. All I can taste is Super Purple. Seems like they jumped the shark to appeal to the masses.

  12. TiagoFigueira

    Lower them prices, cucks. 😲🙄😘

  13. wang-chuy

    The amount of Alcoholic options in 2024 is mind numbing. Wine, Beer, Gin, Tequila, Vodka…. Hard Kombucha 🙄 RTD’s of all types, fucking little shots of Underberg WTF… Oh and smoking weed does not give a hangover. The alcohol business is like being in a roaring Colorado river but you have to have your helmet on or you’re out.

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