Wife wanted Korean BBQ and I wanted McDonalds type of night

by BongDizzle


  1. C137RickSanches

    Those are extreme polarities. Korean bbq is way better. But sometimes you need those super salty French fries, that’s one thing McDonald’s does right.

  2. karatebanana

    This is so real. Sometimes you just need some low quality food. I had subway yesterday

  3. hankhillforprez

    Were the small burger, Big Mac, 10 nuggets, AND fries all for you?

  4. hellodot

    🤣🤣 marriage. Is your wife / you guys Korean? The setup looks pretty profesh

  5. Sharp_Car_3531

    I thought we were the only ones who liked BBQ/hot mustard as our two sauces from McDonald’s.

  6. Duffy711

    I feel like me and you order the same quantity from McDonalds. Order Brother

  7. Chloe637

    What is wrong with you McDonald’s 🤮 like that is road trip food when you making up time

  8. Conscious-Spend-4568

    This is so cute lol. I knew you guys were Korean because of that jar of peppers 😂

  9. traumatransfixes

    McDonald’s fries in hot mustard is good

  10. Late_Piglet_4185

    Who ever craves McDonald’s lol

  11. Kpsmthrs

    You could dip every Mickey d’s item into that ssamjang!

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