Umm…guys…how the hell do whole beans pass through my grinder…happened once more before with 1 bean…but now 5?!?? 4 year old Graef CM800

by andrei525


  1. Gorilla_Firefox

    The CM800 is a very frustrating grinder. If you have the budget, get something better.

  2. h3yn0w75

    That’s wild. Never seen that before. I can’t even wrap my head around how it’s possible.

  3. Emzii_be

    If you spray your beans and use the same canister to collect ground coffee, the beans will stick to the bottom of the canister. 😉

  4. Longjumping_Gur_2982

    Its just like the peanut butter with pieces

  5. yumacaway

    You’ve stumbled into the plot line of the movie Unbreakable. Save those beans, they could be the heroes the world needs.

  6. I’m baffled that no one checked the grinder and realised it’s a big-boys-toy wannabe cheap and cheerful chinese bottom of the shelf abomination. Sorry to say but if you cleaned the grinder and couldn’t find any broken/missing parts then it’s time to look for a replacement. A quick google search also reveals that it’s indeed a fairly common fault with this grinder.

  7. Are you sure the dosing basket is empty before grinding into it?

  8. PoJenkins

    They aren’t going through your grinder.

    They’re just staying in the cup

  9. joe_sausage

    It’s like that experiment where photons ARE and also ARE NOT present at the same time depending on whether or not they’re being observed.

  10. bryguypgh

    At least you have a chance of surviving a rock in your beans

  11. attemptedburger

    A couple of times I have spilled a couple of beans when pouring them into my grinder and they’ve ended up in the dosing cup by chance

  12. x__mephisto

    Espresso tunneling effect in the grider. It only happens at certain energy levels.

  13. TheJustAverageGatsby

    This is what Lance Hedrick tells you will happen if you don’t warm start your grinder

  14. It’s physically impossible for whole beans to pass through 

  15. No-Lead-2037

    Nope. I see all of this logic, but I watched Unbreakable. Those are Super-beans.

  16. coffeejn

    You got to grind the cup with the beans to avoid this issue.

  17. maxwell321

    so… do you have any carbon monoxide detectors in your house?

  18. I dontknow but i laughed seeing this. Ahahahahhaha

  19. If you are single dosing with the grinder on, sometimes some beans might fly out and fall on the portafilter. That has happened to me several times, now I cover a bit with my hand 😂

  20. EnderSavesTheDay

    Sometimes when I’m sleepy, beans miss the single dose hopper and go straight into my dosing cup and I don’t find out until later.

  21. HamletJSD

    I know this sounds far-fetched but has happened to me more than once (might be specific to my grinder geometry): when I’m trying to slow feed, I get 1-3 beans that popcorn and seem to fall straight towards the catch cup. I’ve watched them pop up and land down into the grind cup.

    More likely that you spritzed the beans and they never came out of the cup, but there are other possibilities!

  22. d3agl3uk

    These beans have not gone through the grinder. No chance in hell. They were stuck in your dosing cup and you didn’t notice.

  23. Has happened with me multiple times with Fellow Opus. If i spray the beans then a few beans get stick just above the burr blades and when i tap the fellow opus ( have to do it as it just stores around 1-2 gms of grinded coffee) the beans also drop down.

  24. Thats a crunchy crumb to sprinkle on top of your espresso. Great feature to have! 😆

  25. chat_room

    I have a DF64v, sometimes as I’m dumping the beans I’ll miss and one or two will fall into the canister waiting for the grounds… That’s the only feasible explanation to me. It’s subtle enough–especially with a grinder running–that it’s easy to miss it until you look at the grounds.

    You could test by maybe “sealing” the chute off, like grind into a ziploc bag or something, with no space for anything to jump into the portafilter or cup or whatever you grind into. See if the problem repeats itself that way

  26. photohuntingtrex

    Did you check if there were any rocks in your grinder?

  27. Mysterious-Coat-3275

    Had a similar issue with my old baratza encore esp before I upgraded. my issue came from taking it apart to clean it and having a rubber gasket put in wrong so whole beans were able to fall through.

  28. coffeeincardboard

    Is this from Ghost Alley Espresso? They can phase through solid objects!

  29. reyam1105

    Grinder definitely ain’t grinding then lol

  30. Pokemetal151

    Magic beans, sell to Jack, profit 💵

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