Did I do this 12oz filet justice?

by masonism


  1. TheChiefDVD

    Looks great to me! How’s the taste?

  2. Green-Cardiologist27

    Yes. I’m very critical on this sub because I want people to do better. You, my friend, did a great job.

  3. spkoller2

    If you use a higher temperature for the sear you won’t get the gray band, you’ll have more crust and more red

  4. pacmanfan247

    Cooked perfectly, especially with how THIQQ that steak is

  5. SuperSaiyanSkeletor

    Did you let that bad boy rest for long or did you just eat it hot

  6. Yes it’s perfection. Just need a better pour on the red wine & I’ll be right over!!!!!!!! 👍🏻😘♥️

  7. YoungBockRKO

    My wife approves and so do I! You dun did gud OP… done did gud.

  8. BrilliantScience4218

    Great job on the steak! Love the dinner plates too 😊

  9. DJBrnTrn001

    Amazing and well done on the snap peas and mushrooms. I’m sure that was a nice crunchy side to go with the meal!

    Definitely going to try that, thanks!

  10. cometomequeen

    I want the steak but…

    I want the chef more.

  11. RoyMunsun

    Perfect for me. I love a good steak, but those sides are literally making me hungry.

  12. FullRedact

    Perfectly cooked but I like steak juice to slide my veggies into.

  13. Calvertorius

    Mods, can we pin this post and make this the new banner for the sub?

  14. RemarkableFront8296

    This is a beautiful steak perfectly cooked

  15. WafflesZCat

    Great Job!! 👍🏻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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