He says it was purple inside.

Do you guys think it’s medium or medium rare?

by lucy10111


  1. Repulsive-Rough-7445

    He should get his eyes checked

  2. Due-Potential4637

    That looks perfect and I’m single if you’re tired of “It’s not cooked enough!!!”

  3. Ludicrous_speed77

    He should learn to appreciate you more. That steak looks perfectly medium rare.

  4. Chuckobofish123

    So cook it more. I’m not a fan of ppl telling other ppl how to eat their food. Op, how would you feel if your bf was telling you that you were eating something wrong? You’d be pissed.

  5. Politely yet firmly ask him to leave.

    On the medium side of medium rare

  6. MostOriginalNameEver

    Grounds for breaking up. Get a better bf OP

  7. WestCoastGriller

    Tell him to shut up, eat it and like it.

  8. kosmos_uzuki

    This has to be a troll post, because this is the most immaculate plate of food I have seen in awhile.

  9. JonWalters987

    Probably because his boyfriend usually cooks it a bit more

  10. hamsamiches

    Next time he asks for steak, cook it like this, give it to me, and I’ll heat up his chicken nuggies with ketchup.

  11. Fragmatixx

    That’s looking like the max a steak should ever be cooked there.

    Maybe hot dogs and Mac and cheese more his speed?

  12. grymtyrant

    Politely, yet firmly, ask him to leave.

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