Couple 2 inch strip loins. Sous vide for 3 hours (maybe a little long) at 135. Finished them in the cast iron. My kids have gone from never eating steak to having it twice in a week and they are enjoying it. Win!

by likemyposts


  1. AutisticAngryWiper

    Butter police incoming 👮🚓🚨

  2. Kona1957

    You done good. Thats exactly what I did with my first Sous Vide ever. Rosmarie and Kerrigold. I also threw in a clove of garlic. It was great, but the rosemarie overpowered. I love rose with my prime rib, but not so my with rib eyes. Fuck the butter police…

  3. ithinarine

    Sous vide doesn’t get hot enough for the butter to do anything to the steak.

    You do not end up with buttery steak. You end up with beefy butter.

  4. yumi365

    I’ve never had sous vide steak! Let us know how it turns out.

  5. tuckz22

    I find it interesting I did a sous vide steak tonight and did 115° for 2 hours and then a sear and I swear the inside was just as done if not slightly more done

  6. BigM333CH

    Crank the heat on that cast iron and up the oil, maybe look into a press. With the time and effort involved in Sous vide, it makes sense to get a suuuper good crust on it. All that being said, I wouldn’t turn my nose up at this.

  7. Prime_117

    Yeah use a whole stick with tyme, rosemary, and butter. Poor liquid through cheese cloth and you have your dipping sauce

  8. BearDown275

    John, don’t post your address on Reddit.

    The butter police now have an address lol.

  9. Can never get your kids’ cholesterol number up early enough

  10. abutler311

    Steak looks great, I wanna see a closer look at that knife. That blade looks like a beast.


    Disappointing outcome for all of that work 🤷‍♂️

  12. elmachow

    So you’re saying I need to buy a sous vide and some kind of vacuum sealer. Ok if I must.

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