Huge thank you to everyone that participated, loved to see the lively discussions! Full list of runner ups below.

Honourable Mentions:

Most Underrated Wine: Chenin Blanc from Vouvray (u/blinkstagram)

Most Overrated Wine: Moët and Chandon Imperial Ice (u/JasperKlewer)

Best Grape Variety: Nebbiolo (u/StarMonster75)

Worst Grape Variety: Pinotage (u/easyontheeggs)

Best Wine Label Design: Vietti (u/asromaja)

Worst Label Design: Martinelli Zinfandel Giuseppe & Luisa (u/oinosaurus)

Best Wine for Beginners: Rioja (u/RichtersNeighbour)

Best Bang for Buck: German Riesling (u/Bayerin)

Most Reliable Wine Region: Northern Rhône (u/RichtersNeighbour)

Least Reliable Wine Region: Burgundy x5

Best Vintage: 1990 (u/AustraliaWineDude)

Worst Vintage: 1984 (u/pretzelllogician)

Best Date Wine: Whatever the date likes? (u/Mr-donuts)

Worst Wine Trend: Bourbon Barrel Aged Wine (u/CCLF)

Best Sparkling Wine: Jacque Selosse (u/Unhelpful_Suggestion)

Best Wine Drink Alternative: Specialty Coffee (u/lorner96)

by AustraliaWineDude


  1. Bastiaanspanjaard

    Thanks for organizing! Very entertaining and very informative!

  2. Uncle___Screwtape

    Well done! Loved these threads, they were a great way the engage the community. I looked forward to opening each new days thread, it was sort of like an advent calendar!

  3. boetzie

    Can we please continue with these:

    Best wine trend

    Best white

    Best red

    Best reviewer (ppl who do scores)

    More ideas?

  4. JasperKlewer

    Really great. I fear that I now have to get a bottle of Krug.

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