You all were very nice and helpful. You saved the day. Thank you again.

by FutureCEOnamedNick


  1. StoneColdByte

    This looks absolutely fantastic. I bet your son was so pleased.

  2. ihatethis90210

    You can’t even tell, it looks great!

  3. BabyDooms

    It’s so cute! Happy birthday! ☺️

  4. thesuaz12

    So cute. Great job! I’m glad you where able to fix it.

  5. onthewingsofangels

    Such a cute cake! Happy birthday to your kid!

  6. basil_witch87

    Nice! Glad you figured something out!

  7. CatfromLongIsland

    The cake is absolutely adorable! I saw your earlier post and hoping he could be repaired. I sm thrilled it worked out.

    Sending happy birthday wishes to your son and my compliments to you for the fun and whimsical cake you baked (and repaired) to celebrate the day!

  8. Frosty-Incident2788

    So what did you do to fix it?

  9. whiterice2323

    What a great cake! Hope your son had a very happy day

  10. the_ramo

    Oh I love happy endings!!

    Happy Birthday to your son!!!!

  11. KeyEcho5594

    So glad it turned out! I didn’t know how to help but I was rooting for you. The cake is adorable

  12. pageantdisaster_

    Looks great! How did you end up fixing it?

  13. Weird-Information-61

    I love that this and your previous post lined up perfectly on my timeline, seeing the distress and the resolution on the same page made my day

  14. anarcholoserist

    This has made my day much brighter thank you!

  15. anarcholoserist

    This has made my day much brighter thank you!

  16. SocialAnxietyPixie

    The dino looks adorable! Congrats on a full recovery lol

  17. hanadecks

    can’t help but smile when you see that dinosaur, great job!!

  18. PunnyBaker

    Im a little sad you didnt go the tiny scarf or tie route but nonetheless im glad it turned out!

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