With cooler nights ahead, this Pasta alla Norma is the perfect way to enjoy your jarred summer tomatoes and ease into the season.

Pasta alla Norma Recipe
Prep: 20 minutes | Cook: 30 minutes | Servings: 4


500g penne or elicoidali
100g ricotta salata or pecorino Romano
1L whole tomatoes
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled and whole
1 large eggplant
A big bunch of fresh basil
Kosher salt
Black pepper
Olive oil
1-2 cups sunflower or canola oil



Step 1: Prep and Fry the Eggplant

0:42 Cut the eggplant into 1” thick discs, then slice into short fingers.
1:32 Heat sunflower or canola oil (1-2 inches deep) in a pan over medium-high heat.
2:14 Fry the eggplant in batches until browned. Transfer to a paper towel to drain.

Step 2: Make the Sauce

2:27 Crush the tomatoes by hand in a bowl.
3:08 Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat and press the garlic directly into the oil.
3:45 Sauté for 30 seconds, then add the crushed tomatoes.
Simmer for 20 minutes until reduced. Season with salt and pepper.
4:35 Use the drag test to determine when your sauce is ready
5:40 Add the fried eggplant to the sauce and stir to incorporate.
6:05 Grab your basil, tear it up, and add to the sauce. Stir.

Step 3: Cook the Pasta

6:28 Cook the pasta in salted boiling water until al dente.
6:35 Optional: Grate 50g of ricotta salata into the sauce.
6:48 Add the pasta directly to the sauce.

Stir and serve with more ricotta salata and fresh basil on top.

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