This is the pizza my 16 year old son makes for us every week. He’s an aspiring chef and takes culinary classes in school. He makes the dough from scratch

by Dry-Sheepherder-8746


  1. MagneticDustin

    Just so he knows, he is supposed to cook the pizza.

  2. Ok_Staff_1681

    Excuse me… I know you aren’t gonna share this without a picture of the finished product!!! 😏

  3. Vey-kun

    This is tonight’s dinner not tonight’s prep..

  4. Starlight319

    Tell him this looks fantastic! We want to see the finished product too!

  5. PI_Dude

    He certainly knows how much pepperoni has to be on a pizza.

  6. Stforlifeyvida

    I’d like to place an order please

  7. DeadEnoughInsideOut

    So finished product? Looks like it has really good potential but it’s not cooked…..

  8. th3putt

    Way cool OP. Great to see you encouraging your son on his journey into life.

  9. sadman1976

    I’ll adopt him if you ever need a break or anything

  10. Practical-Trash-4976

    You should be very proud of your son!

  11. edfitz83

    Do you have after photos? That looks like way too much pepperoni.

  12. AWeakMindedMan

    Son: Mom, dad! Dinner is ready! Come down!

    Parents: after this email!

    Son: I said now!

  13. Roll-Roll-Roll

    I like his topping coverage philosophy

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