Oregon Dinner. Most of these veggies came from my garden.

by LiLiandThree


  1. LiLiandThree

    The tomato recipe came from another Reddit post but I added a little balsamic. Put a wedge of feta, cherry tomatoes, basil, oregano, salt pepper and olive oil in baking dish. Bake 375 about 35 minutes. Serve over pasta. Other dish is simple roasted vegetables

  2. Alternative-Jury-965

    That’s lovely. It’s pictures like these that make me want to regularly do veggie nights. Maybe at least twice a week.

    Mostly to just cut back on meat consumption for health reasons.

  3. I also live in Oregon. Did your plants still produce, yet, grew drawrf in statutory? Nice yield, but not a lot of plant growth. It’s weird.

  4. New-Purchase1818

    We’re all coming over tomorrow! I’m from Minnesota—I’ll bring hotdish.

  5. Crazy_Bathroom_1895

    Absolutely beautiful! Looks terrific.

  6. Monday0987

    Pic 1 “that all looks raw?”

    Pic 2 “ah it was before cooking *facepalm*”

    Looks delicious!!

  7. ttrockwood

    Looks amazing! So envious they’re from your garden

  8. straightupgab

    delicious! what did you use to make the broth?

  9. StrawberryStarcakes

    Yum! There’s nothing like fresh garden vegetables

  10. magnificentmoronmod2

    From oregon my supper last night consisted of grouse and fresh caught trout with wild onions and bagged salad I enjoyed the whole meal the kids just ate the timber chicken and half the fish

  11. Dapper91Dabster

    Isn’t it just lovely that veggies come from a homegrown source. That’s a quality you can trust 🙂

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