Ever made a grilled cheese from scratch?


  1. How can you claim to be making a grilled cheese sandwich from scratch if the recipe doesn't start with the phrase, "In the beginning there was nothing"?

  2. i mean did you even mine the steel being used in that stove? It's not really "from scratch" if you can't even do that much.

  3. what did he pour into the mixer bowl when he was making the bread? it sure didn’t look like water to me

  4. For those unaware the Window Pane test is when you throw it at your window and it bounces off. If it shatters it, it requires further kneading

  5. I think I heard him say "simplicity" but I don't think I have time to make my own bread 😂😂😂

  6. I like mustard on grilled cheeses. Also i prefer normal cheese to americanized stuff.

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