Chicken salad sandwich (yes it has grapes)

by alternatecode


  1. Das_Floppus

    Grapes in chicken salad is so good I like putting craisins in too

  2. SelectionOptimal5673

    What kind of bread is that? That looks delicious

  3. This looks amazing, and might be my dinner tonight

  4. RiverDecember

    Sounds delicious. I put apple in my tuna salad 🙂


    Chicken salad has me in a chokehold rn. That looks awesome.

  6. thatredheadedchef321

    I have a Chicken salad recipe that calls for both grapes and raisins. It seems like overkill but it’s so delicious, that I don’t care. I make all the time at work for one of our lunch specials. It sells out every time.

  7. udeniable

    Yes, the recipe with the grapes is the best. It textures and flavours it lend to the salad is wonderful.

  8. alternatecode

    For anyone asking: I follow an old recipe from The Pioneer Woman! (Her site may have issues being seen outside the US)

    Basically, it’s this:

    Boiled or baked chicken, shredded or chopped
    Green onions, finely chopped (incl. white ends)
    Grapes, cut in half (or quarters if big)
    White onion, finely diced
    Celery, chopped
    Slivered or diced almonds

    All that gets mixed together with a sauce that I make in a separate bowl for tasting before creating the whole batch:
    Lemon juice (fresh squeezed is best!)
    Sour cream
    Sweet paprika
    Light brown sugar
    Garlic powder
    Fresh chopped dill (critically important!)

    The amounts are all whatever your tastebuds prefer. I recommend starting with equal parts sour cream & mayo for the sauce, then add a half a lemon at a time while tasting and adding everything else slowly.

    Everything in this recipe is super flexible. For example, I like mine really sweet so I’d have more brown sugar than others like. Or when I make it for a friend, he doesn’t like celery so I just leave it out.

    I like to eat mine on lightly toasted bread with honey mustard and crunchy lettuce. I like to mix up my own honey mustard by taking whole-grain “old style” mustard and adding regular honey, then swiping it on the bread. I’ve seen people add cheese and I tried it once with a slice of mild Gouda, but it wasn’t for me.

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