After planning to spend at least $600 for a decent grinder and machine, I stumbled on this machine at a thrift store for $12. Watched a couple of videos on YouTube about the machine and learned about advanced mode. Bought a bottomless portafilter and a tamper on Amazon. To make a latte, I weigh 15 grams of beans on our kitchen scale, grind the beans with our 10 year-old $20 grinder for 45 seconds. Works great! Total investment about $70

by jrsaxplayer


  1. BeefChunklet

    i have this same one and can’t get it to taste right

  2. zin1953

    Being an idiot is not the point. If your palate is pleased with the results you’re getting, that’s GREAT!

  3. GaggiaGran

    Idiot asking questions without a brain doesn’t learn,
    idiot with a brain asking questions becomes smarter,
    A person with a brain that does not ask questions, remains an idiot.

    You might be lucky using medium/darker beans. Cheaper machines seem to have a big swing in temperature during extraction. If you use light roast it’ll taste sour and funky. But I’f your lucky with a medium, darker roast, the machine might be mostly “cool” enough to extract the chocolate, almondy type flavours. I reckon that’s why most big brands go with medium dark roasts, they can taste good, but the good is very consistent in flavour: caramelised sugars from roasting rather than the funky light roasts that let you taste fermented beans.

    You can learn a lot from buying an old car!

  4. alopgeek

    I used the heck out of the EC-155 for years. It’s a neat little machine

  5. nervous-_juggernaut

    I’m pulling decent and sometimes great shots with my ECP and I’m proud of it.

  6. Reddits_Worst_Night

    Please, for the love of god, buy a burr grinder. Nothing wrong with the machine though

  7. codynorthwest

    My first machine! Served me very well for about 5 years. Gifted it to my best friend and he’s been using it daily for over a year now. They’re honestly a really good value.

  8. sevpuri69

    I have the exact machine. It’s 15 bar so it’s double the pressure, hence use half the time.
    15 second shot, use the pressurised Porta.
    Dm me, I’ll send you a vid of my workflow

  9. tichapoust

    I have the same machine. Got it thrift as well probably 10 years ago. It has poured thousands of shots. Sure, it’s not amazing, but it’s reliable. When I upgrade, I’m going to upgrade hard. But it’ll be a once in a lifetime purchase.

  10. KalantStormblessed

    You’re not an idiot man! The only thing I’d advise you to get would be a hand grinder. There’s cheap ones on Amazon, I’d recommend a KinGrinder. 👍🏼

  11. AnnualFox4903

    If you can make good espresso with a sub $70 spend then you’re definitely not an idiot

  12. King0fKatz

    Hey, I have a similar setup, I bought an ECO 310, used, on a whim. Started by using a spice grinder doubled up as a coffee grinder. Bought another spice grinder because early on in the rabbit hole, even a $200 encore esp seemed like a huge spend. But once you start, you learn, getting a better setup is a big motivator to up skill yourself in your job, get that promotion, make more money, and buy that dream setup. I recently pulled the trigger on Profitec Go and a Specialita combo from kitchen barista. I’m still not at my dream setup. Trust me, just being able to think and work towards a day when I can pull the trigger on my dream setup on a whim, makes me grind harder(pun intended) 😎

  13. Why would people consider you an idiot? Because you got a cheap setup? That’s more setup than no setup, a step in the right direction if you ask me, and if you’re also enjoying the end result then there is absolutely nothing wrong here.

    On the other hand, I would still suggest you get a proper burr grinder though for some more consistency in extraction..

  14. Huge_Indication9647

    That’s a great machine!
    I had one and it served me well

  15. IronHot1546

    Definitely not an idiot. I spent 400 on a Breville that I get decent shots out of about 1 in 20 tries. Pretty sure my taste buds are corroded off from drinking all the sour, bitter disgusting Americanos at this point

  16. Tiny_Addendum707

    Same setup as me. I get my coffee ground for me though. Even with the pressurized basket a spice grinder is far too inconsistent. I just ended up with weak and bitter shots. If you’re having issues that is the problem.

  17. I have a similar setup. I got the espresso machine for free. I use a cheap ceramic burr hand grinder, the Hario Slim. I grind my beans twice to get a more consistent grind, and I use a bottomless portafilter. I’m getting espresso that I find to be nearly as good as the espresso from the roaster/cafe that I purchase my beans from. I’m extremely happy with the machine. If I were to upgrade anything, it would be my grinder.

  18. CSchaire

    This was the exact setup I started with. Stopped us going out for coffee so it’s a win in my book if it’s the best you’ve got.

  19. emale27

    Tastes good to you, don’t worry about it.

    Can it taste better? Absolutely!

  20. jrsaxplayer

    Ok I’m convinced, I’ll get a burr grinder and report back…

  21. I love my ghetto build too. But you’ve beaten me by 100s of dollars!

  22. Dingid_Farester

    If you enjoy the results, you’re not an idiot!!

  23. ChewyBaccus

    My son has this machine. I have a Profitec 700 Pro. We both make good coffee and are happy with our machines. Congrats and ENJOY

  24. MrGurns

    I started here.

    Get a grinder first.

    These delonghi machines pull great espresso, are shit at foaming milk.

  25. summontheb1tches

    This is a great machine. Used it for 6 years before upgrading.

  26. IdeaJason

    Espresso machines all do the same simple thing. As long as you can dial it in, you can make great espresso. As good as any $20k machine.

    The real secret is the grinder. Splurge on a grinder!

  27. HunterEfficient4398

    I use the same machine! I haven’t been able to go pass 13.5g of coffee though. If use more the pump seems to be too weak.

  28. bcramer0515

    I have this machine. It is actually not bad.

  29. PressureFrequent7786

    ehh, at least you got a scale

  30. Get a hand grinder….that blade won’t help you

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