Smoked Medium Well T Bone

by SmokinShaunTv


  1. ganymede_boy

    I’m not going to yuck your yum because you like well-done steaks. Everyone has different tastes. I will suggest you try meat that has never been frozen from a local, sustainably raised beef farm, and get a thick one (about an inch or more.) [Dry brine in the fridge overnight]( and [reverse sear.](

    That said, med-rare with a rare push for me. Every. Time.

  2. Lucky_Cupcake_584

    That’s well no medium to be found

  3. MajesticPurpose1752

    Better sit down with a glass of water

  4. Reasonable-Corner716

    Overcooked and underseared. I guess it would be good for the dog.

  5. oilyhandy

    At least you know it’s fully cooked. What size shoe is that?

  6. im4peace

    Everybody likes different things and that’s fine. But I wouldn’t like this.

  7. Treacle-Snark

    Did you eat it with some ketchup too?

  8. Lethal1211

    So you came to reddit to admit your mistakes, I like that I’m proud of you anyway. 😂 Defeat is not in your future, achieve the impossible of a medium rare perfection good luck in your quest

  9. Pigpinsdirtybrother

    I like that everyone is just jabbing at you, if that’s your preferred taste then perfect. It looks great and absolutely eat that, even though I go closer to the rare side but it looks tasty. I’m sure you enjoyed it!

  10. ThePendulum0621

    The pink ring on the outside doesnt count as medium. 😅

  11. Distinct_Studio_5161

    Want med well use a thicker cut. You will get better flavor and results.

  12. SmokinShaunTv

    I’m basically trolling you guys at this point. Not everyone has to eat rare steaks. I weld ten hours a day. If I want a fckin well done steak I’m going to cook it 😁

  13. boobookitty2

    I spent 72 hours with pork chops this weekend that I brined and f’d up. I did not put them on display.

    Ya got a tbone it looks like crap. Did you like it? That’s all that matters.

  14. Marcus2Ts

    I’d still eat the fuck out of that. Overdone for me, but big deal. Bunch of snobs in here. If that’s what you were shooting for then more power to you

  15. StopBuyingFastFood

    That looks like doo doo 👀⚰️

  16. Additional-Access843

    Well done is in the rearview mirror. Thats Best Done.

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