The wife wanted some Smoked Pigshots for lunches this week, so I took a stab at it. These should be perfect for Keto.
Bacon wrapped sausage filled with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, garlic and bbq rub. Smoked over a fruitwood mix on the Camp Chef Woodwind.

by BurntReality


  1. I care more about the bourbon in the back. Man of my own heart over there.

  2. Lonely-Truth-7088

    Never heard of”pigshot” before…glad they are in my life now

  3. kirbykirbykirby27

    You did a nice work with how you prepared this. Your wife must be really happy with this outcome, for sure.

  4. wonkeykong

    I have never heard of these but it’s basically what we do with stuffed jales. Definitely trying these out this weekend while I smoke a brisket!

  5. iBillGames81

    How long and at what temp? They look great!

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