Mushroom risotto

Arborio or carnarli rice 150g / 5oz
Fresh mushrooms 100g / 3.5oz
Dried mushrooms 30g / 1oz
White wine 1 glass
Boiling water 500ml / 1pt
Red onion 1
Parmesan 30g / 1oz
Unsalted butter 75g / 2.5oz

Rich creamy and buttery wild mushroom risotto, so simple to make, I was first taught how to make mushroom risotto the wrong way in a French restaurant. Unfortunately the chef liked to use risotto as a garnish instead of it being the dish, so the risotto would be cooked way too firm so it could be used as a bed to sit a pan-fried piece of fish or meat, what a shame. So it took a few years but I finally learnt how to make mushroom risotto or any other risotto the correct way, the rice should still hold some toothsome texture but the rice should also be creamy and soft. Please follow my recipe for an amazing mushroom risotto.
#risotto #veggies #italiancooking
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1 Comment

  1. The only thing I'd change is frying the mushrooms without oil first for a couple of minutes then add the oil, essentially if you put oil in first, the mushrooms soak up the oil and you end up with oily mushrooms and less mushroom flavor.

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