13 year old with an aggressive tumor. Sending her off in the only fashion I know how!

by rackcityrothey


  1. WholeDescription771

    You are a good friend for doing what’s needed.

  2. FreeGums

    😭😭😭 corgis deserve to live forever

  3. ThePracticalPenquin

    Stay strong my friend. I would have done the same

  4. fidelcashflow8

    Good on you, you’re a great friend. Cheers to all the good times and memory of the good pup.

  5. Kona1957

    You will see her again at The Rainbow Bridge. May she rest in peace.

  6. pocketcar

    RIP big homie. I’ll be pouring one out for you tonight! OP we have all felt that pain, please look after yourself.

  7. Inside-Ease-9199

    Steak and a nap is a pretty good way to go 💙

  8. JustLookingForMyKite

    She’s gonna love that steak as much as you clearly love her!

  9. Final-Success2523

    My prayers for you. I lost my girl after 15 years three years ago and not one day goes by without me missing her. Her favorite meal I gave her was steak and eggs and I miss giving it to her whenever i make it now

  10. MikeysToupee

    I’m so sorry. 😢 She’ll be thinking of you and eating steaks everyday on the Rainbow Bridge 💕

  11. loosecannondotexe

    That is a wonderful send off and she is so lucky. <3

  12. blackcurtinz

    you did her well, wishing a peaceful transition to eternity for your little one. we’re all so lucky to have our sidekicks for the time that we have them.

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