Moment of truth

by sumtung


  1. 122_Hours_Of_Fear

    I can’t tell if this looks good or not lol

  2. This brings a whole new meaning to mystery meat Mondays man

  3. SnakeBlitzkin

    Damn. You aren’t going to answer anyone and tell us what that is or what?

  4. sumtung

    Sorry I thought I put the cut in the description . Vacio , its an Argentine cut difficult to find in the states. skirt , flap and flank steak

  5. lawyerjsd

    Holy hell. I really need to get that vacio from Porter Road.

  6. ja_reddit

    The moment before the moment of truth…

  7. im4peace

    I thought this was an unseasoned, untrimmed, undercooked brisket and I was bristling with fury. I’m very happy to discover that it’s an Argentinian style cut/cook and I’d totally try it out.

  8. Jappy_toutou

    Do… do you want me to help you cut it?

  9. No-Prompt3611

    Ohhhh…… look at that that ————- I think he was orgasming

  10. SaltyDog772

    The number of hacks make me question the tenderness. Or that’s a butter knife disguised as a blade. Would still smash.

  11. OhJustANobody

    In Brazilian churrasco, we called that Fraldinha. Basically a whole untrimmed flank steak.

  12. Deep_Information_616

    Nice now you just have to learn how to hold a knife properly

  13. jeanleonino

    For years I used to grill blindly and go by instinct, I would get nervous when cutting like this.

    Then I started using thermometers, measuring time, even weighting the coal. I would get also nervous when I was about to cook.

    Nowadays I went back to do “by eye” and still get nervous when cutting it the first time haha!

    What is this? Feels like a flank/vazio/fraldinha

  14. blackmexicans

    I’m going to steal this and post it in the brisket sub under my name just to fuck with them

  15. boogeywoogiewoogie

    Why does it sound like you’re trying to cut a pack of Ramen noodles??

  16. mnsteelers

    Huh. Well, I’d try it I guess. Probably not the reaction you’re looking for.

  17. Tight-Kangaru

    I’m not like you other folks.
    I wouldn’t eat that. It kinda freaks me out.
    I don’t even know what that is.

  18. MrMach82

    “That’s not a meteor. That’s a frozen chunk of shit.”

  19. Experimentallyintoit

    Vacio being carved with a knife several inches shorter than it should be? It has to be. End product looks good.

    The slicing with a relatively dull knife that is Too small for the job though….

  20. No_Strength_6455

    Can I sharpen your knife for you?

  21. DumbNTough

    I just want to know what kind of audio recording gear homeboy rigged up for the ASMR factor

  22. Kona1957

    Thinking of opening a school to teach humans how to cut meat.

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