Exceptional meals in Dublin (Wilde, Jean Georges) this week, but Patrick Gilbaud was the piece de resistance! Blue lobster ravioli, carrot salad, Irish beef with foie gras and roasted quail in pancetta. Lovely setting and service.

by mdpet1l


  1. toronochef

    Looks nice. I’ve heard good things. Was it worth it?

  2. HAARTburn

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    I find RPG to be the least innovative of the starred Irish restaurants; that lobster ravioli has been on the menu for over a decade. Superbly executed though.

    Interesting choice of other places you tried; only hotel restaurants?

  3. sleatyfumpy

    Oh, you mean the fancy shmancy restaurant where they serve food fancier than me wearing a top hat?

  4. rye_parian

    Ate there 12 years ago and absolutely loved it.

    (Omfg I can’t believe it’s been 12 years).

  5. strongroots37

    Ate there five years ago this past week! I still have fond memories of dinner and the wine pairing. I hope it was as delicious and memorable for you as it was for me!

  6. Animgif

    I had lunch here about 2 years ago. Divine. I’m glad it’s still holding up!

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